Options Auto Trader Walkthrough

The objective of this walk through and demo is to assist you through the process of setting up and managing an Options Auto Trader account to generate monthly income and automate trading strategies.

Key Steps:

  1. Connect Tasty Trade account:
    • Go to the Options Auto Trader website and log in.
    • Access the onboarding checklist.
    • Click on "Connect your Tasty Trade account".
    • Enter your Tasty Trade username or email and password.
    • Click "Connect" to establish the connection.
  2. Create the first Auto Trader:
    • In the Auto Trader tab, click on "Create Auto Trader".
    • Select the Tasty Trade account you want to connect to the Auto Trader.
    • Choose a strategy from the strategy database or create your own.
    • Set the buying power allocation (usually 50% of your account's buying power).
    • Specify the maximum number of positions to have open at once.
    • Decide whether to enable the market crash feature.
    • Review the strategy details and adjust if necessary.
    • Click "Save" to create the Auto Trader.
  3. Import current trades (optional):
    • If you have existing trades that you want the Auto Trader to manage, click on "Import Trades".
    • Select the trades you want to import.
    • Click "Import" to add the trades to the Auto Trader.
  4. Agree to the Auto Trader disclaimer:
    • Read the disclaimer and understand the risks involved.
    • Click "Agree" to proceed.
  5. Access full site access:
    • Congratulations! You have finished the onboarding process.
    • Gain full access to the site and explore the features.
  6. Change Auto Trader settings:
    • In the Auto Trader tab, locate the Auto Trader you want to modify.
    • Click on "Settings".
    • Update the name, on/off status, strategy, and other details as needed.
    • Note: Symbol and strategy type cannot be changed.
    • Click "Save" to apply the changes.
  7. View trade log:
    • Access the trade log to see live and active orders that have been filled.
    • Verify trade details and check for any issues with the Auto Trader.
  8. Check notifications:
    • Review notifications for trade updates, filled orders, and other important information.
  9. Monitor account performance:
    • View the account performance to track the progress of your Auto Trader.
    • Switch between accounts if you have multiple connected.
    • Access specific Auto Trader details, including profit/loss, buying power, and win rate.
  10. Disconnect account (if needed):
    • If you want to disconnect a broker account from the Auto Trader, go to your profile.
    • Click on "Disconnect" next to the broker connection you want to remove.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Be cautious when entering login credentials for your broker account.
  • Read and understand the disclaimer before proceeding with the Auto Trader.
  • Ensure that you have a clear understanding of the strategies and settings before implementing them.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Familiarize yourself with the options available in the Auto Trader tab.
  • Use the trade log to troubleshoot any issues with the Auto Trader.
  • Regularly review notifications to stay informed about trade updates.
  • Monitor account performance to track the success of your Auto Trader.
  • Keep your profile information up to date and enable two-factor authentication for added security.

TERMS OF SERVICE: Please be aware that continued use of the Options Auto Trader is subject to our Terms Of Service. If you have any questions or wish to review these terms, feel free to visit the website.

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