Strategies Supported By The Auto Trader

The objective of this video is to show what strategies are supported by the Options Auto Trader

Key Steps:

  1. Access the Auto Trader tab in the navigation bar.
  2. Click on "Create New Auto Trader".
  3. Select the desired account to connect the Auto Trader to.

    Click on "Create Your Own Strategy".

    Review the list of supported strategies.

    • Selling puts
    • 1-1-1s
    • 1-1-2s
    • Selling strangles
    • Selling calls
    • Credit spreads
    • Ratio spreads
    • Iron condors
  4. Understand that all strategies, except for the iron condor, require selling something to put on the trade.
  5. Note that the platform currently focuses on options selling auto trading strategies.

    Be aware that buying strategies, such as buying strangles, buying calls, and buying puts, will be added in the future.

    Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the supported strategies:

    • Selling put: bullish strategy, makes money when the market goes up.
    • 1-1: bullish strategy with a hedge.
    • 1-2: bullish strategy with a hedge.
    • Selling strangles: aims for the market to stay between two price points.
    • Selling calls: wants the market to drop.
    • Credit spreads: directional trading depending on put or call.
    • Ratio spreads: hopes for the market to stay between a certain level.
    • Iron condor: also hopes for the market to stay between a certain level.
  6. Provide feedback for additional strategies by clicking on the designated box.
  7. Clearly communicate the desired strategy to Austin, including the use case and explanation.
  8. Understand that providing feedback and suggestions can help improve the platform and cater it to individual needs.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Ensure that the Auto Trader is created for the correct account.
  • Double-check the strategy selection to avoid errors.
  • Be aware of the selling-based nature of the current supported strategies.
  • Note that buying strategies will be added in the future.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Familiarize yourself with the supported strategies to quickly identify the most suitable option.
  • Clearly communicate the desired strategy to Austin, providing a detailed explanation of the use case.
  • Regularly check for updates and new strategies added to the platform.

TERMS OF SERVICE: Please be aware that continued use of the Options Auto Trader is subject to our Terms Of Service. If you have any questions or wish to review these terms, feel free to visit the website.

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