How To Manually Enter Trades

The objective of this video is to show you how to manually enter a trade from the auto trader software. This allows for immediate execution of trades without the need to import them from a broker.

Key Steps:

  1. Open the auto trader software.
  2. Navigate to the "Auto Trader" tab.
  3. Select the desired auto trader for the trade.
  4. Click on the "+" button.
  5. Choose the option to "Manually Enter a Trade".
  6. Review the trade details and confirm if you want to proceed.
  7. Click on "Enter a Live Trade" to execute the trade.
  8. Track the order using the "Auto-Trader-Transparency" feature.
  9. Check the dashboard page for any queued orders.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Ensure that you have selected the correct auto trader and trade details before proceeding with the manual entry.
  • Double-check the confirmation prompt to avoid any accidental trade execution.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Familiarize yourself with the auto trader software and its features to navigate quickly.
  • Keep track of any queued orders on the dashboard page to stay organized.
  • Utilize the chat box for any questions or clarifications regarding the manual trade entry process.

TERMS OF SERVICE: Please be aware that continued use of the Options Auto Trader is subject to our Terms Of Service. If you have any questions or wish to review these terms, feel free to visit the website.

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