How To Upgrade or Downgrade Your Account

The objective of this video is to show you how to easily upgrade or downgrade an account based on usage and needs.

Key Steps:

  1. Log into the software at
  2. Go to the pricing plans page by visiting

    Review the different pricing plans available: starter plan, pro plan, and unlimited plan.

    Determine the appropriate plan based on the following criteria:

    • Starter Plan: For accounts with less than $25,000 and only one Auto Trader connection.
    • Pro Plan: For accounts with up to $500,000, 10 Auto Traders, and 3 accounts.
    • Unlimited Plan: For accounts exceeding $500,000, requiring unlimited Auto Traders and accounts.
  3. Click on the "Getting Started" button to upgrade or downgrade the account.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete the account upgrade or downgrade process.
  5. Take note of the current plan for future reference.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Carefully review the pricing plans and their corresponding limits to ensure the selected plan meets the account's requirements.
  • Double-check the account's usage and financial thresholds before making any changes to avoid any disruptions or limitations.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Consider opting for yearly plans to take advantage of the cost savings and free months offered.
  • Prioritize communication with support for any questions or assistance needed in selecting the appropriate plan or navigating the account upgrade/downgrade process.
  • Utilize the chat box feature for immediate support and guidance from the team.

TERMS OF SERVICE: Please be aware that continued use of the Options Auto Trader is subject to our Terms Of Service. If you have any questions or wish to review these terms, feel free to visit the website.

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