How To Set Up Two Factor Authentication

The objective of this video is to guide you through the process of setting up two-factor authentication for their Auto Trader account. This additional security measure will help protect the account from unauthorized access.

Key Steps:

  1. Go to the profile page on the Auto Trader account.
  2. Click on "Profile" and scroll down to find the "Enabled Two-Factor Authentication" option.
  3. Click on "Enable" and enter the password for the Auto Trader account (not the broker account).
  4. A QR code will be generated. Open the Google Authenticator app on your phone.
  5. In the app, click on the plus button icon and select "Scan URL" to scan the QR code.
  6. After scanning, the app will display a code. Enter this code in the Auto Trader account.
  7. Confirm the code and generate recovery codes (Note: Recovery codes should not be shared with anyone).
  8. Two-factor authentication is now enabled. When logging into the Auto Trader account, you will need to enter your username, password, and the authentication code from the Google Authenticator app.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Make sure to enter the password for the Options Auto Trade account, not the broker account.
  • Recovery codes should be kept confidential and not shared with anyone.
  • Two-factor authentication may seem inconvenient, but it is important for the security of the account and the funds involved.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Familiarize yourself with the steps before starting the process.
  • Have the Google Authenticator app ready on your phone before scanning the QR code.
  • Keep the recovery codes in a secure location for future reference.
  • If you have any questions or need assistance, reach out to the team leader through the chat box.

TERMS OF SERVICE: Please be aware that continued use of the Options Auto Trader is subject to our Terms Of Service. If you have any questions or wish to review these terms, feel free to visit the website.

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